«WATERSCAPES. Transmedia walks around restricted sites» by Mercedes Pimiento and Martin Dagois, starts from an investigation into hydraulic infrastructures and their presence in various world cities, based upon both artists’ interest in the political and urban rôles of these constructions, essential for the city as well as for the lives of citizens, but which are usually hidden or restricted from everyday life. Together, they decided to examine the Canal de la Infanta, an irrigation canal in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), and the Ménilmontant water reservoir in Paris; to find connections between the two places, discussing concepts such as visibility/invisibility, their respective urban and political roles, and how they tend to be presented and represented.
After researching the two structures, for the second phase of the project, they propose to produce a number of field notebooks based on two 'walks', half digital and half physical, through the area of the Parisian reservoir, and across the remains of the canal in its passage through Montjuïc and the Zona Franca of Barcelona.